Outreach & ECW

ECW Scholarship Application


The ECW offers a scholarship opportunity for anyone who is affiliated with St. Luke’s and attending an accredited college, university or vocational school this fall. The application is available in the church office, and is due by May 1. The amount of the scholarship will be determined by the ECW, and will be awarded to one or more recipients.


Minnesota FoodShare March Campaign 

March 1 - April 6, 2025


Please join us in supporting our neighbors with gifts of food and funds. All donations will be receiving a proportionate MATCH from Minnesota FoodShare during the March Campaign! 


Place all food donations in the baskets at the back of the church. All monetary donations should be written out to Hastings Family Services (HFS) or put in HFS envelopes, then placed in the offering. Envelopes are available in the gathering space. Thank you for supporting those in need in our community.

 Start Bringing Your “Stuff” for the Garage Sale!


The ECW is having a garage sale on May 2nd and 3rd, and invites you to start bringing in your “good stuff”! We will store it for now and start setting up in April. If you did not receive the email with the price guideline, there are copies in the Gathering Space. 

If you have any questions, reach out to Marsha Keene, Julie Hicks. Thank you.  


Coffee & Conversation 


The April Coffee & Conversation will be on Thursday, April 3rd at 10 am in the office here at St. Luke's. 


We hope to see you there for some coffee and fellowship. 


Undie Sunday was a HUGE Success!


Thank you to everyone who donated! We managed to gather together

  • 49 pairs of socks
  • 95 underwear
  • 14 T-shirts
  • 9 hats
  • 4 mittens

We may be a small church, but we can make a huge impact! Family Service was very grateful to receive our donation

UTO (United Thank Offering) 


Thank you to everyone who donated to UTO. So far, we have raised $535 and will still accept donations through December 10th. 100% of all funds given to UTO are given as grants the following year to support innovative mission and ministry in the Episcopal Church. 


Hastings Pride Festival and Parade was a huge Success!


Thank you to all those who contributed to St. Luke's presence at the Hastings Pride on Saturday June 8th. We couldn't have made an impact without your help and dedication.


We made ourselves know at the parade with a huge and colorful float promoting "Love one another, No Exceptions!" At our booth at the river, we gave out free water and pride swag while talking about God's unconditional love and that St. Luke's is for inclusion of all people.  


Thank you to all of you who donated money to help fund this endeavor, and thank you to everyone who volunteered. It was definitely a team effort. 


A special Thanks to Katie Stokka and Scarlette Miller for organizing the event and making it happen.