Parish Life

We love to get together at St. Luke's and enjoy each other's company. There are many ways to meet up with your friends from church beyond Sunday. From a cookie exchange in December to our new bi-monthly dining out group,
we like to have fun. 


Coffee and Conversation

January 2nd 


ECW will be hosting Coffee and Conversation on the 1st Thursday of the month at 10am in the Gathering Space. It is meant to be a time to get together, chat, catch up and build community. 


The Januray Coffee & Conversation will tenetively be on Thursday, December 2th at 10 am.


Please join us for some hot coffee and fellowship. ALL ARE WELCOME! 


If you have any questions or would like to help set up, call Marsha Keene.


Dining Out Events


Dining Out Brunch!

We are trying something new! The next St. Luke’s Dining Out Event will be Sunday, January 19th at 11:00 am at the Hastings Public House. The cost is $15 per person and we will feast on eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes and toast. 


Our Dining Out events are held bi-monthly at different local restaurants. It is a wonderful way to meet and visit with many members of our parish outside of church.


The next Dining Out Event will be in May or as soon as the weather is warm enough!


(Hastings Pride Festival and Parade 2024)

(ECW-MN Spring Meetings 2024)

(Episcopal Night at the MN Twins 2024)

We have our Annual Parish Picnic each summer. This includes an outdoor service & a picnic afterwards. It's a wonderful event for worship & fellowship.


St. Luke's actively supports and participates in local Pride events.