
Current News and


Easter Flower Sign Up 


Those wishing to help defray the cost of our beautiful Easter flowers are invited to make a donation. You may dedicate the flowers in honor of a loved one, or to celebrate someone special. There is more information and cards/envelopes in the gathering space. Please place the envelope/card in the offering or mail it to the church. Thank you.


Vestry/Leadership Team March Meeting


The March Vestry/Leadership Team Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 13th at 6:30 PM in the gathering space and via Zoom. If you are unable to attend, please let our new Sr. Warden, Pat Powers, know. Thank you.


 Start Bringing Your “Stuff” for the Garage Sale!


The ECW is having a garage sale on May 2nd and 3rd, and invites you to start bringing in your “good stuff”! We will store it for now and start setting up in April. If you did not receive the email with the price guideline, there are copies in the Gathering Space. 


If you have any questions, please ask Julie Hicks or Marsha Keene.

Undie Sunday was a HUGE Success!


Thank you to everyone who donated! We managed to gather together

  • 49 pairs of socks
  • 95 underwear
  • 14 T-shirts
  • 9 hats
  • 4 mittens

We may be a small church, but we can make a huge impact! Family Service was very grateful to receive our donation.


The 28th presiding bishop 

of The Episcopal Church

The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe


The Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe, bishop of the Episcopal Dioceses of Northwestern Pennsylvania and Western New York, was elected and confirmed the 28th presiding bishop and primate of The Episcopal Church on June 26 for a nine-year term beginning Nov. 1.


Rowe, 49, was ordained bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania in 2007 and became bishop provisional of Western New York in 2019. From 2014 to 2018, he served as bishop provisional of the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem.

Born in Sharon, Pennsylvania, Rowe earned a bachelor’s degree in history from Grove City College, a master of divinity from Virginia Theological Seminary, and a doctorate in organizational learning and leadership from Gannon University.


Rowe was the youngest Episcopal priest in the U.S. when he was ordained in 2000 at age 24, and he was the youngest member of the House of Bishops when he was ordained and consecrated at age 32.

Known for his research and work on organizational learning and adaptive performance in the church, Rowe serves as parliamentarian for the House of Bishops and the Episcopal Church Executive Council; chair of the Episcopal Church Building Fund; and as a member of the Standing Commission on Structure, Governance, and Constitution and Canons. He also serves on the Greater Buffalo Racial Equity Roundtable. In 2018, he became the first bishop to serve on the House of Deputies Committee on the State of the Church.


Rowe is married to Carly Rowe, a Christian educator; they have a daughter named Lauren.